The Most Important Skill in 21st Century: an Essay by Mateusz Kołodyński

What skills are useful in today’s world? What ability makes us stand out from among another people? Is there a skill better than all the others? There are plenty of skills that make our lives easier. Knowing many languages, being educated and having a diploma, or just knowing how to nail a picture to the wall. But there is one particular ability that will help you anytime, anywhere. So, what can be so important that you should acquire this skill? 

As simple as it may sound — it is of course being able to do a backflip. It is easy to learn and has a lot of usage in everyday life. Let’s start with basic interactions between people. For instance, when trying to befriend someone, the easiest — and probably the most effective — way to do it is by skipping all the small talk and doing a backflip right next to our target. That simple action is enough to attract anyone’s attention. A recent study showed that people who can backflip have more connections than those lacking this skill. I had never spoken to my co-worker John until he did a backflip in our office. Then, after four years without a single interaction, we instantly became lifelong friends. 

This ingenious ability can also help during job interviews or inconveniences. It may seem that backflipping is irrelevant when it comes to accounting, but Mark from Edinburgh, Scotland proves different. ‘I know nothing about accounting, but when I did a backflip at a job interview, I got instantly hired’, he says. ‘I’ve never even graduated middle school’. Using this skill can also help release the tension between people, even bringing them close once again. In fact, it works in situations that you would take months to resolve without the most powerful ability of the 21st century. For example, my friend Bryce once accidentally kidnapped a seven-year-old. During the trial, being clueless about what to do, he did a backflip. Both the boy’s parents and the judge were so impressed, that not only the charges were dropped, but he was also granted sole custody of the child. 

Having considered all these arguments, I believe that everyone should know how to pull off a simple backflip, as there is not a single situation, where it would not be helpful. It is the human nature to be impressed by others’ abilities and skills. Therefore, doing something so spectacular will always help you achieve your goals and fulfil your dreams. As Bruce Lee once said, ‘I do not need to respect one who has a Ph. D. degree, but I will always respect the one who can do a backflip’.

The author himself, here seen with his lifelong inspiration, Hubert Solecki

Zdziś ukazuje, jak naprawdę wygląda życie w XIII – dlatego nie tylko redakcja może tworzyć artykuły, które tu publikujemy. Niepublikowanie wybitnych dzieł literackich stworzonych przez naszych uczniów, takich jak artykuł powyżej, byłoby wręcz grzechem. Jeśli Ty albo ktoś, kogo znasz, również popełnił utwór literacki lub paraliteracki, nie wahaj się nad napisaniem do nas. W końcu naszym celem jest ukazywanie życia w XIII i ubarwianie go – a jak ubarwiać życie bez wspominania o takich osobach jak Mateusz Kołodyński i bez backflipów?

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